Saturday, September 19, 2009

The March of the Invertebrates

Turn over the rocks in front of the local Evangelical Church and you will find an army of invertebrates singing the praise of the Lord and marching to Armageddon. It is the Christian Right seeking to grab power in the future American Theocracy. Is this the American Dream? According to George Carlin, the reason they called it the American Dream is because you had to be asleep to believe it. But beware of the American Theocracy. You are awake, I hope. It is real and it is gonna getcha.

Do you know why? Because the Christian right intends to substitute Theocracy for the Constitution. That is its plan. We have now a serious economic crises and the Christian Right thrives on crisis. They are opposed to the government solving people’s problems because the movement thrives on solving those problems. It is in this way people in deep trouble e.g. depression, grief, drugs, alcohol, joblessness, unaffordable medical care, can be manipulated into accepting evangelical solutions. It is the application of Biblical teachings to their daily life, often known as “born again”. Once having joined the movement and are weeping in the presence of the reprehensible Pat Robertson they give up choice and are required to submit to the will of the leader. It is pure and simple demagoguery and hypocrisy. The followers join the march to the secular state.

The Christian Right is a movement seeking political power and control of the state. It is not really a religious movement. It calls for the submission of will by its followers to the will of its leaders. Any questioning of the leaders will is blamed on Satan. It is the cult of masculinity. The male leaders are not questioned because they speak for God. Facts are treated as thought they were only opinions. Thus, lies become truth. The religious claptrap is spurious and is used only for control.

It is true that people believe what they want to believe but once they have surrendered and are under control submission is required. In the end submission is to a demagogic leader who envisions a totalitarian political state. In order to achieve his goal he creates an alliance with powerful right wing corporate interests. This comes appallingly close to the European Fascism of the 1930’s. Say good-bye to your vaunted democracy.

However, as one comic put it, would you really want to be a member of a group whose symbol is a man nailed to two pieces of wood? Think about it.


Max Blumenthal
George Carlin
Chris Hedges


Anonymous said...

Good job ... however I wish you wouldn't hold back... please tell us what you really think !

Keep'em coming .. we need more voices like yours telling us how it really is !

The truth shall set us free .. if enough people listen to voices like yours... unfortunately thats a strong hope for a weakly educated country.

Good job - Thanks !

Anonymous said...

You make salient points!

I actually got into a discussion recently with an acquaintance... and I was astounded that we found ourselves on opposite sides of the question of 'evolution'... vrs the bible .. OMG .. I thought this was settled ... needless to say .. this person also doubts the birth certificate of the president .. and is convinced that he has squads out to 'take away our guns' .. My friend was very convinced of these views... and there was no way to disabuse him of these beliefs. The sad part is that he is only one of many... a good person, but with archaic and uneducated views.

I find it incredulous that folks can even entertain such thoughts... I defend their right to have and say them .. but it is deeply dismaying that they even exist. Its a long uphill battle to overcome fear and poor education when they intersect into such rabidly held political views.

I honor your commentaries .. and hope that you are not a lone voice in the wilderness!

Anonymous said...

It's a sign of the times that those with power will use every tactic available to retain it. Religion is and has been a powerful force. Voices like yours may help to educate and eradicate such force.

Anonymous said...

This is a stem winder blog, no hedging of bets here! Plain talk about a segment of society that is getting louder every day. Keep up the good 'werks' Mrs B