Thursday, September 01, 2011

The Return of the Invertebrates

Turn over a rock and here they come crawling down main street.

Who are they ?

Why its Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas, who is also the latest candidate for President, followed by his Pentecostal gang known as the “New Apostolic Reformation.” (NAR) These new prophets, who have a direct link to God, are planning slyly to insinuate their control over the Federal Government and intend to use Rick Perry as their entree. Their plan is to take dominion over all aspects of society, i.e. education, business, government, politics, media, arts and entertainment. This means that Christians have a “god-given right” to rule autocratically all American cultural, political and economic institutions. Another name for the NAR is Dominionism. So beware of Dominionism! It is a new theocracy and it is based on Christian fundamentalism. It is the radical right wing effort to control and direct the Republican Party. And Rick Perry is deeply linked to this brand of Evangelical theocracy. The state of Texas is considered “The Prophet State” and has been chosen by God to lead the country back to Godliness with Rick Perry as the Commander.

The adherents of the NAR have some very odd and eccentric beliefs. There is a woman named Cindy Jacobs, who is a “respected prophet” and a neo-Pentecostal leader. She believes that the repeal of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” caused thousands of birds to fall out of the sky in Arkansas. C. Peter Wagner, one of the founders of the NAR, believes that the demonization of Japan is occurring because the Sun Goddess visits the Emperor for sexual intercourse. As a result, the Japanese stock market has plunged and has not recovered. Mike Bickle, another Pentecostal minister, teaches from the pulpit that Oprah is an anti-Christ. She is the forerunner of the Harlot of Babylon, he maintains. She is, therefore, evil and deceitful. Or how about this one? The Statue of Liberty is a demonic idol.

These bizarre beliefs were expressed at a prayer meeting Gov. Perry held in Houston, Texas. He was present and has not disavowed this lunacy. In fact, the day of the event he announced his intention to run as a candidate for President. There is no question that Perry openly seeks the support of pastors who believe in Dominionism. As one Evangelical minister has said, “Christians have an obligation to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ, to have dominion over every aspect of life”. “It is dominion we are after”, he said. In short, these looney- tunes are seeking “World Conquest”. Sounds like Christian Imperialism. Can you believe these ding-a-lings?

Now we are going to hear a great deal about the jobs miracle that Perry was able to bring off in the state of Texas. Well, the job miracle is a myth. Texas is fortunate to have some very valuable natural resources, i.e. gas and oil that is the basis for a very profitable industry. When prices rose, the industry increased production and hired new workers. Perry's magic had nothing to do with the increased jobs in the oil industry. It was beyond his control. The remainder of the job miracle is actually minimum wage jobs with no benefits. In fact Texas has highest number of minimum wage jobs in the country except for Mississippi.

As Molly Ivins once said in reference to the office of governor:
“In Texas we do not hold high expectations for the office. It has mostly been occupied by crooks, dorks and the comatose."


Rachel Maddow
Daily Beast
Huffington Post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your research is right on target! Good job!