Sunday, August 14, 2011

Beware of the Bachmann

Well, folks, I think we can forget about Sara Palin as a presidential candidate. She had a screening of her documentary film and no one showed up. Lewis Black's comment was that he had never thought of her as a real person but he saw her really as just an “ hallucination.”

However, Michelle Bachmann is another story. She may be a loony tune but she is actually a psychopath. Or to state it another way, she is ill. She is suffering from an anti-social personality disorder. These are people who are smart and personable but have no conscience. The government and the corporations are full of them . The have no sense of right and wrong. They are not bothered by the distress of the poor or unemployed. They have no “guilt or shame”. They just don't care. Cutting entitlements does not disturb their sleep because they have no self-doubt. In the case of Michelle Bachmann who is a religious fanatic, God speaks to her and divines her political program. If she is really listening to God, God must be getting it wrong because Bachmann in real life is a pathological liar and is totally uniformed about American history. She is a genetic con artist. It's her nature. She can't help it.

She recently repeated her mantra of too much government spending, but her record shows that both she and her husband have helped themselves to government subsidies shamelessly whenever possible. For example, while ranting against government spending she had 23 foster children, for whom she received a sizable amount for each child from the state. In addition, according to public records, she petitioned the government 16 times for financial aid, much of which would come out of Obama's stimulus package. She had nothing but contempt publicly for the President's economic package. She called the program “fantasy economics”.

The president's package included aid for the states, infrastructure upgrades, health care and education improvements . Bachmann led the attack against these policies.

In 2007, she petitioned the EPA to fund technical assistance and rural water programs in Minnesota. Publicly, she attacked the EPA as a “job-killing agency” and said that if she were president she would eliminate the agency. She wrote at least a dozen times to the Transportation Secretary LaHood asking for federal funds to support replacement of buses and road improvement. She petitioned the Agricultural Secretary Vilsak for funds to support a large industrial complex that would provide jobs in a rural community.

The woman is a world class hypocrite, a mass of contradictions and just a little bit crazy. Unfortunately, she has quite a following in the middle west among the Tea party gang.

She and her husband attended a very strange law school devoted to the teaching of law from the “biblical world view”. It was a segment of the Oral Roberts University, where “60% of the graduates flunked the bar.” One of Bachmann's mentors was a frequent contributor to the John Birch Society rags. Bachmann herself is a strong supporter of the “Left Behind” bunch. She claims that they have been an inspiration for her political ideology and career. I must say that the lunacy is overwhelming. I have to shake my head to make sure that I am not hallucinating.

As George Carlin once said:

I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older, then it dawned on me – they are cramming for their final exam.


Huffington Post – Politics
David Schwartz – Common Dreams
Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone

Breaking News:

Michelle Bachmann was interviewed by the New Yorker Magazine where she states that the problem is not the economy: it's the Renaissance. Because it did away with the god-fearing Dark Ages.  Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo have “dragged us all down.”

Can Michelle be real?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GREAT BLOG! Don't forget Dubya spelled with a P. He threatened to take Tx out of the Union